Monday, August 17, 2009

All things Tiger and Vick

First let me apologize to those of you that are not totally enamored with my sports posts, I realize this is three in a row and I owe you something more insightful soon :).

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger I am so glad you lost. Unlike the scores of people who were saying that yesterday and this morning for a myriad of ignorant and socially incorrect reasons I was glad to see that you were HUMAN! As you may know, I am a HUGE Tiger fan and of course I want him to win and make history, but yesterday there was something poetic in watching him be human and at the same time watching a relative unknown step up and perform under pressure. Today I have read about Tiger choking and even that his career is over. Journalism today has become so full of hyperbole and nonsense. It is what it is. Tiger is human, he suffers from the same frailties as us, how refreshing. Why go off the deep end and suggest his career is over? Phil Mickleson blows leads and tournaments on a regular basis, I have never heard word one that his career was over let along on the decline. I look forward to the day Tiger wins his 19th Major along with his 87th overall tournament (I think that's the record) but yesterday was a refreshing departure from the script.

Speaking of departing from the script, you have the Michael Vick 60 Minutes interview last night. I want so badly to still hate Mike. What he did was deplorable and the extent of the lying makes it even worse, but watching last night I believed him. I know I very well be naive and as one of my closest friends asked me, "Would you feel the same way if he wasn't going to play for your team?". I can't answer that question because he is. Someone also wanted me to compare it to Terrell Owens leaving Philly for Dallas and the fact that I despise T.O. to this day. I thought about the difference. I have no idea who either of these guys are as people though they have given us more than glimpses. What I can say is I think someone can learn from errors in judgement and poor societal moral choices. I don't think someone can change their internal make up and how they view others as human beings. Mike Vick committed atrocious acts, no doubt, but if is no longer doing those things and recognizes he can't isn't it over once he paid his penalty? Owens on the other hand continues in his selfish ways from city to city. He holds himself accountable to no one. Me personally, I'd rather go to battle with Mike, who has shown he can be a teammate, than T.O. who doesn't know what that word means.

America is a place built on second chances. I hope Vick not only gets his second chance but that he fulfills the promise of what a second chance means. If he does he might change the way we look at athletes. If he doesn't then he goes into the pile with the rest of the liars.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How much reality do you want to see?

Watching a public figures life played out in front of you on TV, in print and on the Internet has become an American pastime all to its own. For me it is uncomfortable and strange, but like a huge wreck on the highway it is nearly impossible to not look over and draw your own conclusions.

Last night I got that same feeling when hearing the initial story of Rick Pitino, the Head Basketball Coach at the University of Louisville. I also had a similar feeling after the pictures of Josh Hamilton, Texas Rangers Outfielder, but for his plight I feel much more empathy.

The Pitino story, if you haven't heard, is just breaking and details are VERY vague, which helps allowing your mind to wander. What we do know. Pitino had consensual sex with a woman, not his wife, in 2003. At some point the woman began to attempt to extort money from Pitino and now she is on trial and Pitino is a witness. Other interesting tidbits; Pitino gave the woman $3,000 for an abortion. Does that mean Pitino knew he was the father of an unborn child after ONE encounter? Did he feel sorry for her and feel like this would 'sweep the issue under the rug' regardless of who the father is? The last really interesting thing I noticed is the woman's last name, now that she is married --- Sypher. What's in a name? Oh, 6 months after this incident happened she MARRIED one of the coaches on Pitino's STAFF!!!! Hello? Isn't that a little bizarre? So, she has an affair with the head coach, gets pregnant by 'someone', begins extortion on said coach and then DATES AND MARRIES one of his employees and friends...There has got to be a lot more here and no one is really talking. So when no one talks, people will make shit up. That's what is running around in my head --- inventing all of the really juicy stuff that 'could' have happened. I'm not going to type them here, I'll let you use your own imagination, but needless to say, if someone needed a payday, it would make for a great hour on Jerry Springer.

The Hamilton story is much sadder. Again, for the less sports baptized amongst you. Hamilton was a major stud coming out of High School and a #1 pick. In a long and sordid start to his career he got messed up with alcohol and drugs, including all of the 'hard stuff'. Through years of dedication and faith he has turned his life around. Not only has he rejoined the Majors and become an icon, but he has a beautiful young family. Apparently, in January he slipped and drank. Thanks to camera phones and his celebrity status, his fall off the wagon was captured and has now become public more than 6 months later. Unlike Pitino above though, Hamilton didn't wait for the 'smoking gun' to become public to deal with things. The day after the incident Hamilton opened up to his wife, his sponsor and his employer. He held nothing back so that when the 'story' eventually broke it was a non-story. It is what it is, Hamilton will live his life battling his disease and his demons. There are no guarantees he won't slip again, but it does seem that he has learned the most important lesson and that is when you make a mistake, own up to it, ask for forgiveness and realize that only through your positive actions can you truly be forgiven.

Two public stories, handled two different ways makes me think of a line from my favorite Robert Frost poem - "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference".

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Case to make Michael Vick an EAGLE

Yep, I typed it. I can't believe I did it, but I figured if it should happen I wanted to have it in writing so I can say 'I told you so' to the world.

If you are a long time reader, and why would you be since it's been so long since I posted, you will know I am no Mike Vick fan. I find, not just the act that he committed, but the lies he perpetuated and the image he has portrayed as reprehensible. However, I am not looking at this as Mike Vick the man alone, I am looking at it objectively. Where could he fit in as a player and a system.

So, I am looking at my beloved Eagles and thinking why not?

First, as an Owner of a Football Team, my first concern might be community outcry. Philly is NOT Seattle or San Francisco. Sure PETA will protest and there will be rumblings but Philly is at its heart a blue collar town that embraces the underdog (no pun intended); real or not (see Rocky and the fact that he has a statue...). Second, this team is considered a front runner in the NFC and I am not exactly sure why. I love McNabb, but can Westbrook stay healthy, actually is he even healthy to begin with and who are we throwing the ball to again? Third, Vick can be utilized in the West Coast Offense that Andy Reid subscribes to. In fact, where McNabb has lost a step, Vick could be used as a playmaker. Fourth, Mcnabb. One, he is NOT getting any younger and with Kolb getting hurt yesterday, do we have a back up? Also, McNabb has been through the wars and can relate to Mike on just about every level.

The more I think about it, the more I like it, for the FOOTBALL TEAM. Would I run out to buy a Vick jersey? No. I would also explain to my children what he did, how I feel about it and what second, and sometimes third chances are all about.

Who in fact couldn't use a chance to 'rehabilitate' his/her image with a fresh start? Sometimes I wish I could!!!