Monday, November 23, 2009

Devices Devices everywhere and no one to talk to!

I have been thinking about the devices and technologies we use more and more these days. I keep meaning to write about the topic but my mind wanders in so many directions when it comes to the subject.

Yesterday I was sitting at a light and a minivan pulled up next to me and I realized it was time to talk about it. What did I see next to me? I saw what is probably today's typical middle to upper middle class family going about their daily life and it made me sad. Picture this, Dad driving (well waiting at the light) whips out his Blackberry and starts typing; Mom in the passenger seat already on her phone, alternating between texting and talking on it. Two kids in the back seat with headsets on, clearly engrossed in a DVD on the entertainment unit. Now, I realize TWO things; one, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and we all know I love my iPhone and all the gadgets and I have played this scene out myself and two, I may be 'thin slicing' and this might not be a normal occurrence at all. However, the more I look around the more I see it, and I am just as guilty! Whether it is hustling through the airport with headphones on or 12 people in a meeting sitting around with laptops open, communication has forever been altered by technology and while it is great at times, at other times it SUCKS.

I have ranted before about email and its inability to convey feelings properly so I won't go there, but what bothers me more is we have literally stopped TALKING to each other. Whether it is out of convenience, fear, lack of time or combinations of those and others, we as a society no longer talk. We 'chat', we Facebook, we tweet, we text, we email, we Skype, we IM, we do it all except look each other in the eyes and have a DIALOGUE, a conversation, a meaningful interchange where I share how I feel, how something has impacted me, how much I care about you or a topic and then you share back. You process what was said, get the words, the emotions and the gestures and you in kind respond. I love that!!!! I love looking in your eyes and reading your expression. I love how my words and passion can move a room.

I for one never want to lose that and in fact am going to consciously bring it back. How am I going to do that? Resolution #1, when it is not work hours and I am with another human being I will 'detach' myself from my iPhone. Will I still have it? You bet but it won't sit on the table between us waiting to ring. I won't constantly be hitting refresh on my email to make sure I have gotten the latest right then and there. I think that's a great start. I am still looking forward to using technology to facilitate the important things but I will no longer let it be a crutch to honest to goodness dialogue, or so I hope!!!

Text me next week to see how I am doing :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How are you doing?
