Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blogging at 35,000 feet --- because I can

It's not my first time using the new Wi-Fi service in the air but I am still pretty enamored with it; aAll except the cost aspect, but I imagine that too will come down over time.

It seems like a 'no brainer' to be online in the clouds when the world of computing is all about the 'cloud' these days.

My favorite part - except for the lack of ability to 'text' my life can go on as usual up here. I am on Facebook, working on an expense report and getting ready to write my weekly article for the FFL Guru (I know you are reading here but do you watch me at www.thefflguru.com as well) all from the comfort of 2A somewhere between San Antonio, TX and Atlanta, GA.

As much as I get frustrated by technology it really is an incredible time we are living in and how much we take it for granted. Just now, it struck me that I forgot to TiVO a show tonight. Do you know what I did? I logged into my Direct TV account here, up in the sky, typed in a few key strokes and voila! when I get home The Biggest Loser will be waiting for me (please no jokes...).

I finished reading the new Dan Brown book, The Lost Symbol, last week and it was fairly entertaining but one part that struck me is the concept is 'Man as the CREATOR' as opposed to 'Man being created'. When I think about technology and advances in Science that really is true. We as a species are the only living things that 'create' beyond some basic type structures. For the most part this is good, however, sometimes we create for the bad (even if its not intended that way). No deep philosophical discussion about it now, just an interesting thought.

Those are my thoughts for now, going to turn back to the 'Sports Gil' and go 'create' an article.

Talk to you next on 'terra firma'

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