Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So I suck at getting back to posts...

though I promise I will, I really do promise, but this is related, it really is.

Last night, while trying NOT to sleep, because why would I sleep when the next morning I am taking a 5:45 SPIN class and then have to hustle home to make the girls' lunches, wake them up, make their breakfast, get myself showered, etc...I mean really why even sleep.

So I am watching Jon Stewart, a re-run no less, but at least it wasn't Sports Center as alas Brad Lidge blew another save and I didn't want to see the lowlights, and Jon mentions one of the GREATEST 80's gadgets of ALL TIME that I can't believe I forgot...

The CASIO CALCULATOR WATCH! Who amongst us did not have this gem and act like we were getting away with some amazing tool in the 7th grade? Looking back, was multiplication and division really that difficult to do by hand?

Anyway, just thought I'd share, plus it reminds me I haven't finished the last post...or one from a little further back...when did I become King Procrastinator????

1 comment:

Bart's Camille said...

Gil. No. I never had a Casio calculator watch. Ugh. Besides, it wouldn't have looked good with my ensemble of choice back in the 7th grade. I believe that was my skater-chic phase, where I shaved off one side of my hair, wore my bangs hanging over my eyes, and converse high tops. BUT at least I could multiply and divide sans accessories.
