The ever so provocative question that appears when you open up Facebook. It's your opportunity to share with the world, at least YOUR Facebook world, what's on your mind.
I am fascinated with updates. Now mind you, fascinated does not mean in love with. Sometimes I think they are a ton of fun and I love catching up with what my friends are up to but sometimes they can be downright scary and uncomfortable (more on that later).
In my world there are several types of status updates that I like to display:
1. What's on my mind - exactly that! What I am thinking right then. For me these are usually about my girls or how I feel about something that has happened current event wise. Like this very minute, I fired up the laptop from 35,000 feet in the air to write this blog and remembered DELTA now has wireless in the air --- my status - Online in the AIR - SCHWEEETNESS!!!
2. Song lyrics - I love using song lyrics in my status. Usually it's a lyric that pops in my head while listening to a particular song while the MAC is on, but sometimes I'll have a meaningful lyric in my head that I want to get out.
3. The MESSAGE - ahhh - the ever 'cryptic' status update that befuddles the world because everyone wonders if it is for THEM, about THEM or meant for THEM. It's funny - I very rarely use this, unless it is a positive message that may be meant for just a few, but wouldn't worry the rest of my 'online clan'. But in certain cases I have done it and then regretted it.
This final type of update is where I worry about online communication in general and it is the same issue I have had with email forever now.
I think as a society we have become so comfortable using all the forms of 'text communication' that we forget how this comes across sometimes. Sure, you can put in all the fancy emoticons you want, add in exclamation marks and add ROFLMAO all you want but what you can NOT do is convey TRUE emotion via a device (except the phone). Why is that you may ask? Sure, you know how you 'feel' at that moment and are sure you are conveying that exactly so what's the problem? You are not the problem. I (in this case the euphemistic I) am the problem. You have no idea my mood or state of mind and there in lies the rub. Text does NOT convey true emotion. I will interpret the words on the screen based on my mood. I may color it with sarcasm, sadness or joy, you have no idea. This has long become a problem in the Corporate World and I wish more companies would address proper communication strategy. In the work world, email should only be used to convey INFORMATION not feelings or discuss opinions. Those should be saved for face to face conversations. But, people now 'hide' behind the veil of email and texting.
One of my newer friends has helped me see this very clearly. While in Washington we had a blast 'TWEETING' at a Conference we were at. We even texted each other during break out sessions that we were at separately. In that 2 day period it became the basis of how we 'communicated' except when we met for drinks with the rest of our group. When we got back to Atlanta it seemed like texting was the only way to communicate until I was reminded --- hey, pick up the phone and dial (not in those exact words) and I got the message!
Enjoy the various ways we can communicate but don't forget the BEST way, your voice. It displays exactly how you feel through your tone, intonation, pitch and even the silence.
So, I'll certainly keep using my FB status and all the other great tools out there, but I am making a more conscience effort to pick up the phone, both personally and professionally --- give it a try, as the OLD commercial says "Reach out and touch someone" ---- ROFLMAO!!!!! :-)~
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