Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Finally a weigh in

Jumped back on the WW train last night with the first Monday night meeting of the year. In fact, thanks to the Holidays it was the first Monday meeting since 12/17/07!

The weight? I actually lost 1.2 lbs since 12/17/07. I was pretty happy about this given the holidays and our 9 day vacation to Florida! I am back down to 234.2 and I resolve to see the scale get under 220 by the summer!

Last night's meeting was packed and it was a riot! First, here's a stat that was thrown out that I can't believe, but I guess that research will tell me if it's true - the average American gains 10 pounds in the period from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Personally, I find that to be pretty high but who knows?

The room was packed with fat people duh, but last night there were some ornery fat people! Kaye, our faithful leader tried hard to make the first meeting of the year a 'bonding experience' with a get to know you game and some other stuff but as usual the meeting went off the track with great commentary from the 'peanut gallery'. As I've written about before we have one guy that is huge, and I mean huge. I'm a big guy at 6'1" and 234 lbs but this guy makes me feel tiny. He sat next to me last night and I swear his thigh is the size of my waist. As mentioned before, when he starts doling out advice the eyes start rolling. Last night, Kaye is giving tips on snacking and we build a list. Lots of great ideas and then an older woman says "grapes". My ham hock buddy to the left goes off about how careful you must be with grapes, and all the sugar, bah blah and the sweet old lady responds, "I'm on core". OUCH! ZINGER! In WW world this woman just "fuck you fatso and the horse (or hearse) that you rode in on". There are 2 plans at WW now; the flex plan which is the traditional count up your points deal and the newer Core which is sort of a low carb deal where you don't track points you only eat from a 'core' set of food groups and basically eliminate breads, pastas, etc...

Me and the boys got a great kick out of the meeting which means we'll be back just hopefully lighter!

We're off to a wedding this weekend so I will need to be careful and then next week is my birthday but I think I finally have the proper motivation.

1 comment:

mrotzie said...

Oh that's right. I have to call mom and reminder her again that you're turning 39. Ha ha hahahhahaha.

By the way, keep the WW meeting stories coming. They're funny.