Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I need a Wii

IN what will go down as one of the great birthday gifts, Ilene has granted me my wish - a Wii. Unfortunately it came in the form of a 'check' since she couldn't find one in town. So now I am on the hunt. I will not go gently into the goodnight and breakdown and buy one on eBay, at least not for the foreseeable future.

The quest began with calls to Costco, Circuit City, GameStop, Toys R Us (who I found out is called TRU on message boards) and a drop in to Best Buy.

Basically I was told, "no we don't have them. we may get some and no there is no list you just have to keep trying". I really don't understand how demand is so out of whack with supply on this one. It's been out now for over a year and it's 3 weeks after Christmas. Is Nintendo seriously holding back on production trying to act like OPEC?

Oh well, hopefully it won't be long until I am jamming to "Story of my Life" on Guitar Hero III!


Sherry Heyl said...

try Northpoint Mall - they had a Wii thingy set up on the second floor during Christmas.

Bart's Camille said...

The kids love their Wii. Hope you have fun! Butch got one for Jake for his birthday back in August. We found it on craigslist... at a premium of course. BUT they use it all the time so at least that's good.

Unknown said...

Still need a wii?

Anonymous said...

What could happen? If my firewalls are on I get kicked off the server during gameplay if I even get in at all. On the Playstation Site they say to enter port numbers but I may have did that wrong so I just take them off completely but only when I play online. Help?

Anonymous said...

A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Last weekend I played at this site:
[url=] - Wii tournaments for money[/url]
They say you can play online Nhl2k game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only and but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?