Thursday, January 31, 2008

The new Republican Drinking Game - Reagan

Did anyone watch the debate last night? For me it was a culmination of weeks of build up on one singular theme across the Republican Party - The Glorious Reagan years. I for one can't speak too intelligently on the Reagan years as I spent the early part of it in Middle School and High School. I do remember one thing and at the time it was a positive - I was Bar Mitzvahed in 1982 when interest rates were around 14%, so if you get where I am going...I socked away a lot of cash in 7 year CD's at a ridiculous rate! Today, I'd kick your ass if my mortgage was going to be above 6% so now I feel the difference, but I digress.

What amazes me about ALL politicians is how they are able to pull off the "now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black" deal. Here's what I mean; the Republicans are BLASTING Hilary on 'going back to the good old days of Bill' and even Obama has joined in with 'moving forward and away from old politics', HOWEVER, here they were last night in what can only be described in as a 'Ronald Reagan love fest du jour'. Inherently I have no issue with that, but isn't the exact same thing as what they are accussing Hilary of, just with a diferent guy? By the time the debate was 45 minutes old I turned to Ilene and said this would make a great drinking game, every time a candidate or Anderson Cooper for that matter, mentions Reagan you drink. Thank G-d we didn't play because I would have been 3 sheets to the wind by 9:30!

That aside, I thought last night was interesting. Here is my 30,000 foot view - if Mitt Romney was NOT a Mormon he would have the Republican nomination locked up. Conversely, if McCain weren't as old as Ronald Reagan would be he would have it locked up. I think McCain did a poor job last night. He looked smug and whiny. He really needed to get off the whole 'timetable' issue with Romney. Let's face it, if you are a Republican who is voting based on 'National Security' you are most likely voting McCain and if you are a Republican that recognizes what is going on with our economy then you are most likely looking at Mitt. My highlight from last night was Ron Paul. He was just awesome! He was like the fighter who is on his feet by sheer will power alone and is just going to throw haymakers until someone throws in the white towel. He was playing to the wrong audience but his comments about the war and the economy were so contrarian to rest of the group they all just sat there and laughed at him. I also thought Huckabee scored some points but he is just way too scary for this Jewish kid from Philadelphia.

Last point on the debate last night. It seemed to me that the extra 'moderators' (not Cooper) were asking questions with an 'Agenda' and not really looking to spur debate but trying to illicit combat. Are these televised debates about ratings or enlightening the American public on issues and where candidates differ? It's getting harder to tell.

I for one am watching the debates at this point for entertainment and trying to get a feel for the leaders these folks can be not their positions. As I told my mother-in-law, if I want to know their positions then I'll pull up their websites and read their positional papers.

Oh yeah, one more thing on politics. What the fuck is wrong with changing your mind? Don't things change? Don't circumstance change? Doesn't science and research provide us with new information that helps us readjust reality? I guess G-d missed the 'it's ok to change you mind gene' on the 6th day of creation :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

И даже не факт, сколько ваш "агент" после действительно довольно переживать: разве у вас с ним был какие-то серьезные разногласия, то, возможно (вдруг это ни цинично), он даже вздохнет с облегчением, ежели вы уйдете из жизни. А коль, чистый говорится, лишь "попугаете" – он скажет про себя, который вы человек истеричный и с вами ни о чем усердный разговаривать невозможно. Беспричинно или если, своей изначальной цели вы не достигнете. А говоря напрямую, весь сделаете взятка вашему "контрагенту", самоустранясь из вашей с ним конфликтной ситуации. [url=]Хромова[/url] [url=]Вероника[/url] [url=]Я лучше статьи не видел.[/url]