Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hey Gil, what happened to the weight updates, are you fatter?

Friends...sometimes they say the nicest things and sometimes they slap you in the face with reality, and then sometimes they ask you questions like the one in the subject!

To answer the question, no I am not FATTER! In fact I am down to 225 as of yesterday morning. I did hit 223 for a brief time and I am hopeful to get close to 220 before surgery on the 11th but given my trip to South Florida this weekend and then 4th of July festivities I might be ok maintaining the 225.

I do feel better and I think you can see the difference in my face, but not enough elsewhere yet. While the knee has been down I have worked hard with the 'pre-hab' (that's my own term, need to copyright) and I have also incorporated a lifting routine for the first time since I began running. The weight training may have slowed down the weight loss a bit but it feels good.

I have some pretty rigorous post surgery goals for myself and I am ready to get this done already. The postponement has lead to a couple of really good things: I get to fly into South Florida this weekend to see one of my oldest friends first child, born just a week or so ago. I can't wait to hold my newest 'niece' and welcome her to the 'family'. I'm also hoping to make it through a round of golf without a ton of swelling or doing more damage. Next week I'll get to enjoy 4th of July and not have to worry about changing bandages, dealing with crutches, etc... we have a ton of company coming in and I am looking forward to doing the things around Atlanta that we take for granted living here.

1 comment:

mrotzie said...

No matter how skinny you get, you won't get rid of the Woodchuck cheeks. They're our family legacy. It's nice to see you posting so often, keep it up!