Monday, June 30, 2008

Dealing with disappointment

In terms of 'personal work' this is an area that I definitely have identified as needs improvement if I were grading myself.

In the past I have allowed disappointments, big and small, get in the way of the bigger picture, let them bog me down and even dwelled on them to the point that I couldn't moved past them.

This morning, as I landed back in Atlanta I realized I am getting better at it; dare I say I am actually growing?

The last few weeks have thrown a bunch of hurdles in my way, some I have shared with close friends, co-workers and even here and then there are a select few who know of a few that could never believe I would ever encounter, but here I am feeling 'ok'. Have these 'setbacks' bugged me? You bet, but I am working hard to deal with them as they come up, take it in stride and keep the bigger picture out there. I am no Stephen Covey fanatic or expert, but I do like the concept of "begin with the end in mind"; I'd like to think I am working towards my vision of what that is and when the road gets blocked I am actively seeking a detour that not only gets me back on track but also might provide some new scenery and a new perspective.

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