Monday, June 23, 2008

Saying Goodbye

You might think I mean to blogging since it has been such a long time, but I am saying goodbye to two very strong influences on me.

The first is Tim Russert who passed away a couple of weeks ago. No need to rehash what the media has already done to glorify the life that Russert lived. As a quasi-political junkie I loved watching Russert be one of the few media members willing to ask the tough questions and not back down. He also was 100% real and human. He loved his hometown of Buffalo they same way I love my hometown of Philly. I have wanted to pick up his book about his relationship with his Dad but never got around to it, now I need to. This political season is going to be insane and his voice will be missed.

The second is George Carlin, and I heard the news while driving into work early this morning and I got very emotional. As i was telling a good friend last week, the strangest things are making me emotional and bringing back vivid memories. Well, Carlin for me was godlike in the late 70's and early 80's when I 'discovered' comedy albums. I loved listening to Carlin and Pryor; I was able to escape into a world of laughter and dirty jokes. I'm sure the tributes will be rolling in from comics worldwide, and what you will hear is that the comedy that Carlin began lives on today in Lewis Black, Jon Stewart, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock and so many more. He was raw, uncensored and honest and I loved it. The most amazing thing is he was as relevant in this decade as he was in the 60's, 70's, 80's and the 90's.

Both voices will be missed for years to come and will never be 'replaced', however - hopefully, my voice is back!


markopat said...

Very nice...I remember listening to the Hippie Dippie Weather Man was I was a little tyke.

Good to see you back and blogging again Gil.


Steven Talbott said...

Excellent tribute Gil! Tim Russert has been a staple for all of us political junkies for years and I would not have become as materialistic as I am without listening to "a Place for My Stuff" from Carlin growing up!

Keep up the posts!