Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Diet Coke

"Hi my name is Gil W. and I am compulsive Diet Coke drinker."

"Hi Gil"

My last drink of Diet Coke was February 15th at 6:00 PM. This morning I had a 'slip up' so I guess the last one was now Tuesday, February 24th. In actuality I only had about 1/2 a can but a slip is a slip right? A heroin addict can't shoot up half way? The guy who pounds a half a bottle of Cab a night to take the edge off doesn't get by with just one glass. So, I broke my ban on Diet Coke but I am resolute on the goal.

People have asked this last week why give it up? Can't you cut back? What's wrong with it anyway?

First of all, I don't think there is ANYTHING wrong with it, I just didn't like the amount I was drinking and looking back on how my body felt this past week without it, I have realized I didn't like how it made me feel. I have no scientific proof and I don't get into all the 'Internet theories' but I can share this with you: after the 24 hour withdrawal headache subsided (and no i have never done hard drugs to know what true withdrawal is) I have NEVER felt 'healthier'. Healthier in that I am not having energy dips and spikes throughout the day. Healthier in that I banged out 5 miles on Saturday and came back Monday and did another 5 and it was faster than Saturday. Healthier in that I 'feel' lighter even if the scale only shows .8 lbs. I also seem to have lost a craving or two. My biggest craving, a stress one, is Burger King Cheeseburgers, and yes I specifically mean BK ones. I could pound 3 of them in less than 5 minutes and still not feel sated. Right now, in a situation that is begging for a BK run...I am ok...not ok with the overall picture but ok in that I don't need the cheeseburgers. Is this related to the DC's I don't know.

The second part --- cutting back. Yes, I think I could just 'cut back' and have 1 to 2 a day and feel fine and be completely justified...but why? Am I drinking it for the taste...really? After drinking nothing but WATER for 8 days I realized, this morning after drinking the half a can, that the taste ain't all that great and in fact WATER tastes good, especially freezing cold, like I am drinking right now. So, for me, for now I don't need to cut back. Am I pretending that I will never drink a DC again? Absolutely not! For now, I am trying hard to not be dependent on it.

So, in the fashion that started this post off ---

God, grant me the serenity to accpet the things I can not change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


1 comment:

markopat said...

Looking forward to your post from lunch today....