As the rehab continues on its course it is time to return my attention to my overall fitness. The good news is that I actually lost 2 pounds in the 5 weeks since surgery. The bad news is that I have lost a lot of the stamina that I had been building up from a cardio standpoint, but that won't be a concern for a while since I won't be doing true cardio workouts for at least 3 more months.
What I can do is my upper body and start sculpting myself for where I want to be by the time I turn 40 in January.
My #1 goal is the be under 205 pounds. That means I have around 22 pounds to lose. I am still waiting on the fitness test results to tell me what my body fat composition is and from there I will have a goal as well. Additionally, I WILL run both a marathon and complete and Olympic length Triathlon. I won't be able to do those before 40 but I will begin training as soon as I can. Also, I will get myself back to at least a 36 inch waist.
The really good news was the actual results of the 'fitness' part of the fitness test. Over the last year, not only was I running but I was lifting weights 3 days a week. Primarily my routine was fairly low to medium weight but high reps in a circuit routine. That will all change after meeting with the trainer but she was really excited about where I was. For me, I was never a big workout kid. I did it with teams and with the guys but I never got into it and once I got over 200 pounds I was pretty dejected that I couldn't routinely bench my weight. Whenever I tried adding that second 'plate' to each side of the bar (225 lbs.) I never got anywhere. Fast forward to Friday where I warmed up on the bench press with 10 reps at 135, no biggie, then we went to 185 lbs. and I did 8. I said let's load on a 2nd plate and a little 2.5 lb on each side and see if I can left more than my weight (228). I got 230 pounds up 3 times. I was absolutely giddy. I also did really well all around and Kathy was pretty impressed.
I paid for it later in the evening as Ilene and I sat at the Braves game with friends and I was sore, stiff and exhausted! We had ridiculous seats, just 3 rows behind the Braves dugout, thank God no foul balls came flying my way because I don't think I could move!
I meet with Kathy on Friday where she will give me my total numbers, my new workout plans and my goals for the next 3 weeks.
Follow along with me and help hold me accountable.
Next stop - the torso of Michael Phelps :)
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